Splatoon 2 - Final Splatfest Announcement



Final Fest Forever Pack [Splatoon 2] [Mods]

This mod allows you to play the Splatoon 2 Final Fest forever (or at least until 2099...). This pack works with modded Nintendo Switch consoles and Ryujinx.

List of Splatfests in Splatoon 2

2024年3月8日 — 1. Cake vs. Ice Cream · Mayo vs. · 2. Mayo vs. Ketchup · S2 Splatfest Flight vs Invisibility. · 3. Flight vs. Invisibility · S2 Splatfest Vampire ...


In Splatoon, Splatfests were recurring events hosted by the Squid Sisters, Callie and Marie. During this event, Inklings were able to choose between two teams ...

Splatfest - Splatoon Wiki

In Splatoon, a Splatfest is a special event in which players choose between two teams, with each team representing an idea, place, or thing. Each team was also ...

Splatoon 2 Splatfest information and results

Before the Final Fest, both Pearl and Marina have won 27 Splatfests across all three regions. This is counting each region separately for Splatfests where each ...

Switch《Splatoon 2》新年祭典Frosty Fest 戰場變身閃令銀色 ...

2018年12月3日 — Nintendo Switch《Splatoon 2》2019年1月4日至1月6日舉行48小時新年祭典Frosty Fest,戰場將變身銀色派對世界。


ThismodallowsyoutoplaytheSplatoon2FinalFestforever(oratleastuntil2099...).ThispackworkswithmoddedNintendoSwitchconsolesandRyujinx.,2024年3月8日—1.Cakevs.IceCream·Mayovs.·2.Mayovs.Ketchup·S2SplatfestFlightvsInvisibility.·3.Flightvs.Invisibility·S2SplatfestVampire ...,InSplatoon,SplatfestswererecurringeventshostedbytheSquidSisters,CallieandMarie.Duringthisevent,Inklingswereabletochoosebetweentwo...